Sunday, January 24, 2010

i switched on my television and watched a scary documentary. No, it isn't about ghosts or monsters. It isn't about destruction or hell. Neither is it about the world running out of cheese and everyone being forced to eat terrible lasagne for the rest of their lives. This documentary was about insomnia. Insomnia that was fatal.

Fatal insomnia is a genetic sleep disorder that strikes during middle age and results in death, as the name suggests. Throughout the show, there were many footages of a man who couldn't sleep. I'm unable to recall his name, but I do know that he passed away because of his disorder.

Based on what i know about fatal insomnia, there are a things that the 'victim' undergoes. First, he just couldn't sleep. It started off slow, with him having trouble sleeping. However, his condition became worse and eventually he couldn't sleep at all. It was stated that he did sleep, but he dreamt. That showed that his brain wasn't resting and could not recover from exhaustion.

Later into the last months of his life, he went mad. He literally went crazy. The doctor interviewed described him as a body with no soul controlling it. That was scary. Really scary. The man had absolutely no control over his body.

Lastly, he died. He died because he lacked of REM sleep( I'm not sure what it stands for but i do know it's simply called deep sleep). This may not seem frightening but it really was when I watched it.

Now we all know how important sleep is to us, let's appreciate the fact that we can sleep.

Got to go catch some sleep now.

skyzone// 3:21 AM
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hi guys!

I just came back from my awesome outing with my family. We went to the East Coast Park to cycle! We set off at about 3pm in the afternoon when the sun wasn't that hot. As usual, we took our mum's car to our destination. Within minutes, we have already reached the car park. The moment i got off the car, a gentle cool breeze blew upon my face. After making sure that we have prepared everything, we proceeded to the bicycle rental shop. Seeing all the sleek bikes being displayed, i waited with anticipation as my parents rented the bikes for us. When we got on our bikes, we had some trouble stabilizing ourselves as we haven't gone cycling for quite a while. As we slowly regained our balance, we set off to the area nearer to the beach so that we can get a look of the wonderful scenery there. Ah, the shimmering blue sea under the bright golden rays of the sun..the sound of the navy blue waves crashing against the rocks was music to my ears. We enjoyed the glorious scenery as we cycled. When it reached 6pm, we returned our bikes and decided to grab a bite near East Coast Park. No, we didn't have Macdonalds. Instead, we went to a Hong Kong restaurant named 'C Nai Hong Kong Cafe'. We decided to patronize this restaurant as we have never tried it before. Upon entering the cafe, we were greeted by the waiters with warm smiles. The cosy atmosphere was also very comfortable. Soon, the waiter brought us to our seats and we looked through the menu. Wow, everything on the menu looked delicious. If only i could order everything.

However, I ordered the cheesy baked fish fillet & ham rice. I am a fan of baked rice as you can see. My sisters ordered a plate of authentic Hong Kong prawn noodles to share. My mum ordered a plate of fish and chips with mustard sauce while my dad ordered a Char grill fish fillet. Looks like we like fish fillets pretty much. For the sides, we ordered a plate of 'Sichuan deep fried spicy crispy chicken' and a plate of 'golden deep fried squid with crispy cereal'. We ordered a few ordinary drinks. My baked rice was just perfect. It was loaded with cheese, the ham was abundant, the fish fillet was fresh. We had a fantastic dinner there and would definitely go there again. After that we walked back to the car park and got on my mum's car. As we were on the way home, i though about the happy moments i had today with my family. Ah, how i hope we could have these kinds of outing more often!

skyzone// 3:14 AM
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's Thursday
You know what's happening? Physical Education (A.k.a PE)! The second lesson of PE this year! Reason being our PE teacher was absent to handle some matters and no one could take over the past few weeks. Well, having said that, we went to the East Coast Park lagoon AGAIN. Last week, we went there for our 2.4km run. Going to the East Coast Park usually spells 'bad news' to me. I don't like running very much. Luckily, this time wasn't as intense as the 2.4km run. We had a 800m run. After hearing what the teacher said, we learned that this test is actually to help our respective sport houses. You know, Kapor, Kallang, Rochore, Whampoa, Glam. To get the maximum points for the house, we have to achieve a timing of 2:49 minutes or below if I'm not wrong. Everyone was aiming for that obviously. Okay, back to the running. We were to pair up with a partner and label ourselves '1' and '2' individually. 1 would run first and 2 would take his timing. After 1 had finished, 2 would run and 1 would take his timing. I was '2'. After we heard the teacher said, ''ready...GO!'', i saw every ONE ( the number 1 partners, get it? ...Nevermind.) sprinting for their lives. When my partner finished, the stopwatch read '4:10'. It's not too bad as i was sure I'll do worse. When it was my turn, my heart was racing fast as i was nervous. "GO!" and everyone sprinted. Reaching the finish line, i made a last sprint in an attempt to overtake my friend not far ahead. However when he saw me sprinting, he sprinted too! Obviously, i didn't manage to overtake him in the end. I got a timing of '4:19'. Everyone was feeling extremely exhausted after the 800m 'Sprint'. Then, we walked back to school after the monitors made a head count to check if anyone was missing.

Ah, what an exhausting day, but I'll be anticipating the next PE lesson, where we will be doing shot put!

skyzone// 8:46 PM
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Today, we had a very unusual hockey training...

It started off when we had to go to the gym to do some weights and strength(which is our usual routine) the middle of our gym, our hockey teacher in charge asked us to help him do something...he then said that we would have our own storage area to keep all our hockey equipment which was good news! but when he said we had to clear it, it was quite a bad news instead....the first picture you would see below would be all the 'after' photos so it would not look that disgusting...inside the storage area, they had the grass and the black little stuff that you could find in the field(and of course the lizards and spiders etc. and definitely cockroaches*many*). So we finished half the can of 'Bagon' spraying at the termites and roaches and after around two hours later we cleared it!!!with Mr Seng's help(Thank you very much Mr Seng! We wouldn't have done it without you!)There were also two rats in there...and a big lizard(imagine from your index finger to your wrist)
trust me, you would never want to get close to any of the places...

skyzone// 3:31 AM
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Monday, January 18, 2010

why do the weekends always end that fast?
i hardly had time to relax and in the blink of an eye,sch started again.
i dragged my feet to school reluctantly, probably down with the Monday Blues like most other people.but that was not the point....
right after the usual assembly, it was the CDE-TTT period(usually the period when everybody in the class chatter like it is no one's business).however,the lesson we had today was a different thing all together.

it was all about him,Nick vujicic, the man with perfect resilience(wow that was just a word goal isn't it? :O)

he was born with no limbs, as you can see from the picture, with only a little leg that looks kind of like a tail.the most amazing thing was that he could actually swim, which is something some of the people able bodied people cant do!

my heart really went all out to him,he was definitely a true role model for all of us.he, being handicapped,found everyway, did everything he could just to lead a normal life. and not to mention how much discriminations when he was a deficit. being able to pull through those childish and cynical remarks and finally be a world known motivational speaker, touching the hearts of people round the world.

He is no doubt the man of resilience, and i felt that tinge of guilt when i first saw his video. Even a person like him was able to do things like we did,living his live to the fullest. And here i am,doing everything with that nonchalant attitude,taking everything by stride.when ever work was would be given out, i would only procrastinate and not do my work.i suddenly felt shameful about it,and i would do something about it....

skyzone// 3:27 AM
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