Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's Thursday
You know what's happening? Physical Education (A.k.a PE)! The second lesson of PE this year! Reason being our PE teacher was absent to handle some matters and no one could take over the past few weeks. Well, having said that, we went to the East Coast Park lagoon AGAIN. Last week, we went there for our 2.4km run. Going to the East Coast Park usually spells 'bad news' to me. I don't like running very much. Luckily, this time wasn't as intense as the 2.4km run. We had a 800m run. After hearing what the teacher said, we learned that this test is actually to help our respective sport houses. You know, Kapor, Kallang, Rochore, Whampoa, Glam. To get the maximum points for the house, we have to achieve a timing of 2:49 minutes or below if I'm not wrong. Everyone was aiming for that obviously. Okay, back to the running. We were to pair up with a partner and label ourselves '1' and '2' individually. 1 would run first and 2 would take his timing. After 1 had finished, 2 would run and 1 would take his timing. I was '2'. After we heard the teacher said, ''ready...GO!'', i saw every ONE ( the number 1 partners, get it? ...Nevermind.) sprinting for their lives. When my partner finished, the stopwatch read '4:10'. It's not too bad as i was sure I'll do worse. When it was my turn, my heart was racing fast as i was nervous. "GO!" and everyone sprinted. Reaching the finish line, i made a last sprint in an attempt to overtake my friend not far ahead. However when he saw me sprinting, he sprinted too! Obviously, i didn't manage to overtake him in the end. I got a timing of '4:19'. Everyone was feeling extremely exhausted after the 800m 'Sprint'. Then, we walked back to school after the monitors made a head count to check if anyone was missing.

Ah, what an exhausting day, but I'll be anticipating the next PE lesson, where we will be doing shot put!

skyzone// 8:46 PM